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UR Make it stop!

UR Make it stop!

It is over, thank god! The RNC was beyond painful to endure, so depressing, so ignorant, so full of lies and deception. It was so very embarrassing to Nicki Hailey, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz (why does this idiot even have a job?), and everyone else who bent the Knee. Tim Scott? Are you fucking kidding? Do you pretend to speak for the black community? You couldn’t be more removed from their daily lives than if you were on Mars. You are supporting a blatant racist in a groveling fashion. You are a traitor to your race. It is so painful to watch all of these supposedly intelligent people, In power, mind you, prostrate in front of the cult leader, knowing that they are spouting lies, desperate to be acknowledged, to be in the “inner” circle. Desperate to matter. They were gleefully accepting and supporting the destruction of this democratic republic to line their pockets and feel like they matter. A quote from a reporter at this “event” is “ a sea of white hair and white faces.” If you look at photos of the convention, you will see absolute truth in that statement.

And Trump, Dear god, Insane, rambling, sweating, disgusting narcissistic egomaniac. 93 Minutes for acceptance speech? The massive ear bandage, kissing the ha.t of the dead victim of his bullshit rally? God, you know the great white sky grandpa, who is mainly focused on Donald’s well-being in a world of death, destruction, and despair, intervened on his behalf as he was the chosen one. WTF? Chosen anti-Christ if ever there was one. It is painfully evident that Trump is bat-shit crazy and getting worse every day. And everyone in that hall knows it. Everyone who has been to his rallies pretends he is not insane, but they also know. But now it is too late for them. Like everyone in history who attaches their identity to a cult leader, IE Nazism and Hitler are just one example—Pol Pot in Cambodia, Castro in Cuba, Stalin in Russia another. The list goes on and on. Hussein in Iraq, another.

The point is always the same: to leave the cult, you lose your identity, your power, and your sense of self. People would rather die than admit they are wrong in their beliefs. Mostly, they cannot self-examine to explore and accept the truth until it is too late. As it will be to late to stop corporate greed, climate change, racism, misogyny in all its forms etc.

I thought that by 2024, we would have evolved into a better version of humanity. What a fool I was. We have not. If anything, we are getting worse as a species. And Donald J Trump is living proof of the mass insanity that is growing. Our political process is only culture wars that accomplishes nothing in protecting us as citizens and the world at large and completely ignores the fundamental issues we face.

This is the future that is upon us now. The future is happening today.. A Metaphor: It is one thing to exacerbate the size of the fish you caught (Biden) and a totally different situation, when you exaggerate the size of the fish you caught, when you never went fishing to begin with (Trump).